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Frequently Asked Questions

  • IP Services
  • Patent Portfolio Analysis
  • Drafting & Prosecution Support
  • Technology Intelligence
  • Market Research
  • General
What are the requirements for patentability?

Your patent application goes through the parameters like your invention must be -  

Novelty - It should not be available in any form before your patent filing date. Although, US patent law grants you a grace year before filing a patent application. 

Useful - The patent law requires your invention to be useful and industrially applicable. 

Non-obviousness Requirement - Your invention must be unique and should not be the modification of any object. It must not look similar to the prior arts. 

What steps should I take if I suspect that my invention might not be unique or might have been previously disclosed?

If you have concerns about the uniqueness of your invention or possible prior disclosures, conducting a Patentability Search with TT Consultants is a crucial step.

Our service comprehensively examines global databases for patents and non-patent literature to evaluate your invention’s novelty and non-obviousness. We leverage sophisticated AI technologies and the expertise of seasoned IP professionals to provide a detailed assessment, which includes potential similarities and existing intellectual property that might affect patentability. This allows you to refine your invention or assess whether to proceed with a patent application, thereby optimizing your resources and strategic planning. 

How can I effectively challenge a competitor’s patent that I believe should not have been granted because similar technologies already exist?

Challenging a competitor's patent requires robust evidence that the patent should not have been granted due to existing similar technologies, known as prior art. TT Consultants' Patent Invalidation Search is designed to identify such prior art that could potentially invalidate a patent.

Our hybrid methodology combines deep AI analysis with expert human review across comprehensive databases. We deliver detailed reports indicating vulnerabilities in the patent’s claims and provide strategic advice on how to leverage this information in legal challenges or negotiations, helping you clear competitive hurdles and maintain market integrity. 

What is the purpose of the patent infringement analysis?

Infringement search can be used in different types of analysis like

Claim Amendment during the prosecution phase 

Identification of illegal use of the patented invention 

Licensing Opportunities (Licensing-IN & Licensing-Out) 

Patent Monetization 

Patent Pruning 

What are the risks of entering a market without understanding the existing patent landscape, and how can these risks be mitigated?

Entering a market without an understanding of the existing patent landscape exposes a company to significant legal and financial risks, including potential lawsuits for patent infringement. Conducting a Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search with TT Consultants minimizes these risks by providing a comprehensive review of relevant patents in your target market.

Our detailed analysis includes legal status and scope of enforceable patents that could impact your product’s launch. This essential insight informs strategic decisions, such as tweaking product features or pursuing licensing agreements, ensuring your entry into the market is legally secure and commercially sound. 

Can you assist in protecting a unique design that I want to patent, and how does the process differentiate from utility patent searches?

Protecting a unique design through a patent involves conducting a Design Patent Search, which is distinct from utility patent searches that focus more on the functionality of an invention. TT Consultants specializes in design patent searches that explore visual characteristics and aesthetics recorded in design patent databases.

Our AI-enhanced search tools, supplemented by expert analysis, identify existing designs that could potentially conflict with yours. We provide a detailed report on the design landscape, offering strategic advice on design modifications or the likelihood of successful patent registration, ensuring your design remains both innovative and protected. 

How can I stay updated on the latest technological advances in my industry to guide my company's research and development strategy?

Keeping abreast of the latest technological advances is crucial for steering your company’s R&D strategy. TT Consultants' State-of-the-Art Search service tracks the forefront of technological developments relevant to your field.

Using AI-driven analytics and expert curation, we compile data from patents, scientific publications, and industry trends to provide a comprehensive view of current innovations and future directions. This detailed insight supports your strategic decision-making, helping you allocate R&D resources effectively, anticipate market trends, and maintain a competitive edge. 

What is the best approach to managing Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in my technology sector to avoid legal issues?

Managing Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) effectively is vital to comply with industry standards and avoid legal pitfalls. TT Consultants offers expert services in identifying and navigating SEPs within your technology sector.

Our approach integrates AI tools with in-depth analysis from our experienced team to identify relevant SEPs and evaluate their implications for your products and services. We provide strategic advice on handling licensing, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and avoiding infringements, thus supporting seamless operations and market positioning. 

How can your proprietary AI technology, XLSCOUT, enhance the efficiency and accuracy of intellectual property research and analysis?

XLSCOUT, TT Consultants’ proprietary AI technology, revolutionizes intellectual property research by enhancing both the efficiency and accuracy of our services. This platform applies advanced machine learning algorithms to automate and refine the search and analysis processes, drastically reducing the time needed for comprehensive IP investigations.

XLSCOUT’s capabilities allow us to quickly identify relevant prior art, assess patentability, and analyze patent landscapes, providing our clients with precise, actionable insights. This technology empowers our clients to make informed, strategic decisions quickly, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving intellectual property environment. 

How much does a basic Novelty/Patentability Search cost at TT Consultants?

At TT Consultants, a basic Novelty or Patentability Search typically ranges in cost from $300 to $2,000. This price variation depends on several factors, including the complexity of the technology involved, the breadth of the search required, and the specific requirements of the client.

A basic search generally includes a thorough investigation of existing patents and public disclosures (non-patent literature) to determine if an invention is novel and non-obvious. The goal is to provide clients with a clear understanding of the potential patentability of their invention, allowing them to make informed decisions about pursuing a patent. This service is vital for inventors and companies looking to protect new innovations while ensuring efficient use of their IP budget.

How much does a basic Invalidation Search cost at TT Consultants?

A basic Invalidation Search at TT Consultants can cost between $500 and $10,000. The cost is influenced by the complexity of the patent in question, the depth of research required to comprehensively challenge its validity, and the jurisdictions that need to be covered.

Invalidation searches are typically more detailed and require a broader scope of investigation compared to patentability searches, as they aim to uncover prior art that could potentially invalidate an existing patent. This type of search is crucial for companies facing potential infringement issues or those looking to contest the validity of a competitor's patent.

The high-end of the cost range reflects searches that require extensive examination of global databases and expert analysis, ensuring that clients receive robust support in their legal and strategic endeavors. 

I have disclosed my invention in a conference; can the corresponding publication stop me from getting a patent?

The prior art constitution varies among various jurisdictions. For example - the US patent law accepts ""your disclosure"" if it has been made within a year before the patent filing date. 

But European patent laws are somehow extreme on that as they don't allow such a grace period to the applicant. You should contact your country's copyright and patent authority. 

I have disclosed my invention in a conference; can the corresponding publication stop me from getting a patent? 

"The prior art constitution varies among various jurisdictions. For example - the US patent law accepts ""your disclosure"" if it has been made within a year before the patent filing date. 

But European patent laws are somehow extreme on that as they don't allow such a grace period to the applicant. You should contact your country's copyright and patent authority. 

How can I ensure that my company's patent portfolio is aligned with our business strategy?

Ensuring your patent portfolio aligns with your business strategy is crucial for leveraging intellectual property effectively to support your company’s objectives. TT Consultants provides detailed Patent Portfolio Management services where we analyze your current patent holdings against your business goals to ensure coherence.  

This includes evaluating the technological and commercial relevance of each patent, identifying gaps in your portfolio that may require new patents, and suggesting the discontinuation of patents that no longer serve your strategic interests. Through this service, we help you streamline your portfolio to better support your business's growth and competitive position. 

  • Our Approach: 
    • Strategic alignment assessments 
    • Gap analysis in IP coverage 
    • Recommendations for patent acquisitions or divestitures 
What should I consider during due diligence for a merger or acquisition involving significant intellectual property assets?

In mergers or acquisitions, the intellectual property due diligence process is pivotal. It not only assesses the value and strength of IP assets but also identifies any legal risks that could impact the transaction.

TT Consultants conducts thorough M&A – Patent Due Diligence, examining each patent's validity, enforceability, and alignment with the business's strategic goals.

We also look at potential infringement issues and the freedom to operate, ensuring that the IP portfolio enhances the value of the deal rather than posing a liability. Our comprehensive reports support informed decision-making during acquisitions. 

  • Solutions Provided: 
    • IP valuation and risk assessment 
    • Legal compliance and infringement analysis 
    • Strategic IP integration planning
How do I determine which patents in my portfolio hold the most value?

Determining the value of patents within your portfolio involves a systematic evaluation based on legal, technical, and commercial criteria. TT Consultants offers Patent Ranking Services that assess the impact, market potential, and technological significance of each patent.

We use a variety of metrics, including citation analysis, market analysis, and potential for future innovation, to rank patents and identify which ones offer the highest potential for monetization or strategic advantage. This information is vital for prioritizing IP management efforts and resources. 

What strategies can I employ to monitor new patents that may affect my company’s market position?

Monitoring new patents is essential to maintaining a competitive edge.

TT Consultants’ Patent Monitoring Services provide continuous surveillance of newly issued patents and published applications in your industry. We deliver tailored reports that identify potential threats or opportunities from these new patents, allowing your business to respond proactively—whether through adjusting your R&D direction, considering licensing options, or preparing for potential disputes. 

  • Our Approach: 
    • Regular updates on relevant new patents 
    • Competitive analysis and strategic insights 
    • Risk management and opportunity identification 
How can I commercialize my patent portfolio to generate additional revenue streams?

Commercializing your patent portfolio involves identifying and exploiting opportunities to monetize your IP through licensing, sale, or partnerships. TT Consultants specializes in Patent Portfolio Commercialization, evaluating each patent for its market potential and matching it with potential buyers or licensees.

This strategic approach not only enhances your portfolio’s value but also contributes to your company's broader financial goals.

I’m worried about potential patent expirations. How can I manage this within my portfolio?

Managing patent expirations strategically is crucial to maintaining the integrity and value of your patent portfolio.

TT Consultants helps you identify which patents are nearing expiration and evaluates their continuing value to your business. For patents that still hold significant commercial or strategic value, we can assist in filing for patent extensions where applicable or suggest alternative strategies such as developing and patenting new improvements or derivatives. For those patents less critical, we might recommend letting them expire to free up resources for more valuable IP investments.

This proactive management approach ensures that your portfolio remains robust and aligned with your business objectives. 

How do I handle a large portfolio with patents in various technology fields?

Handling a large, diverse patent portfolio requires an organized approach to manage assets across different technology fields effectively.

TT Consultants provides comprehensive services that include segmentation of your portfolio by technology sector, assessment of the commercial and strategic relevance of patents within each segment, and customized management strategies tailored to the specifics of each sector. Our holistic approach ensures that each segment of your portfolio is optimized for competitive advantage and aligned with sector-specific trends and opportunities. 

What are the best practices for reducing costs associated with maintaining a patent portfolio?

Optimizing the cost-effectiveness of maintaining a patent portfolio involves critical evaluation and strategic pruning of less impactful patents. TT Consultants helps you analyze each patent for its cost versus benefit, considering factors like maintenance fees, legal defenses, and market relevance.

We recommend discontinuing patents that no longer provide strategic value or have high upkeep costs relative to their benefit. Additionally, we can suggest ways to monetize underperforming patents through licensing or sale, thus transforming potential financial drains into revenue sources. Our strategic cost management helps ensure that your portfolio remains lean and potent. 

How can I use my patents to strengthen my position against competitors?

Strategically leveraging patents to strengthen your market position involves enforcing your IP rights to block competitors and exploring opportunities for cross-licensing. TT Consultants provides guidance on using your patent portfolio aggressively by identifying key patents that can serve as barriers to entry for competitors in your core markets.

We also facilitate the negotiation of cross-licensing agreements where beneficial, allowing you to leverage your IP assets while mitigating the risk of litigation and fostering industry relationships. 

What should I do if I find that parts of my patent portfolio are underperforming?

Addressing underperformance within your patent portfolio is essential for maintaining its overall health and effectiveness. TT Consultants conducts a thorough analysis to identify underperforming patents and provides strategic recommendations based on their current and potential value.

We might suggest repositioning these patents through additional R&D, pursuing new markets, or enhancing patent claims to improve their commercial viability. Alternatively, if certain patents no longer align with your strategic goals, we can manage their divestiture or recommend letting them lapse to reallocate resources more effectively. 

What can I do to ensure that my patent application will be accepted?

Ensuring your patent application meets the high standards required for acceptance involves meticulous preparation and strategic drafting. TT Consultants offers comprehensive Drafting & Prosecution Support to help you navigate this process.

Our team assists in crafting a clear, detailed, and broad-enough patent application that addresses all statutory requirements for patentability while adequately protecting your invention. We focus on the claims' clarity and the specification's thoroughness, factors crucial for a successful review by patent examiners. 

How can high-quality illustrations enhance my patent application's chances of success?

High-quality illustrations are crucial for enhancing the comprehensibility of your patent application. TT Consultants provides Patent Drafting & Illustrations services, where professional drawings are generated partly through our generative AI & LLMs-driven tools, ensuring precise and clear depiction of your invention's technical details.

These illustrations help convey the uniqueness and functionality of your invention to patent examiners, reducing ambiguities and potentially expediting the examination process. 

I’ve received an office action from the patent office. How should I respond to ensure my application progresses?

Receiving an office action can be a critical point in the patent application process. TT Consultants specializes in Patent Prosecution and Office Action Responses, providing expert assistance to address and overcome the examiner's concerns.

Our approach involves a thorough analysis of the office action, strategic amendments to claims if necessary, and a persuasive argumentation in response that aligns with patent law and precedents. This tailored response enhances the likelihood of advancing your application towards grant. 

How can I protect the technical details of my invention effectively in the patent application?

Protecting the technical details of your invention effectively requires a comprehensive and strategic approach to patent drafting. With TT Consultants’ Patent Drafting & Illustrations service, we ensure that every aspect of your invention is documented in a detailed and legally sound manner.

Our experienced patent drafters work closely with your technical team to encapsulate all critical features and potential variations of your invention, safeguarding its novelty and broadening the scope of protection. 

What strategies can I use to handle rejections or objections during the patent prosecution phase?

Handling rejections or objections during the patent prosecution phase requires a strategic and informed approach. TT Consultants’ Patent Prosecution and Office Action Response service provides expert guidance on how to address rejections effectively.

We analyze the basis of the examiner’s objections, develop arguments or amendments that adhere to patent law, and prepare supplementary documentation that can clarify ambiguities and reinforce the application's strengths. Our proactive management of the prosecution process aims to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. 

How can I ensure my patent application aligns with global patent standards if I intend to file in multiple countries?

Ensuring that your patent application aligns with global standards is essential when planning to file in multiple jurisdictions. TT Consultants' Drafting & Prosecution Support includes preparing your patent application to meet various international patent laws and requirements.

Our team has extensive experience with the nuances of different patent systems and can adapt your application to ensure compliance and enhance its viability across multiple countries. This global approach helps streamline international filings and protects your invention on a wider scale. 

How can I understand the current state of technology in my industry to plan my R&D investments effectively?

To strategically plan your R&D investments, a deep understanding of the current technological landscape in your industry is essential. TT Consultants offers comprehensive Patent Landscape Analysis using an AI & LLM based hybrid approach.

This method combines advanced data analytics with expert insights to deliver a detailed mapping of existing patents, trends, and key players. By identifying mature areas and emerging technologies, we provide you with actionable intelligence to focus your investments where they can generate the most impact and ensure you remain at the forefront of innovation. 

What strategies can I employ to discover emerging technologies that could impact my business?

Identifying emerging technologies early can significantly impact your business's competitive positioning and strategic development. TT Consultants' Technology Scouting Services utilize an AI & LLM based hybrid approach to systematically search and evaluate new technologies across global markets.

This service helps you discover innovations that may disrupt your industry or provide new opportunities for growth, enabling you to proactively adapt or integrate these technologies into your business model. 

How can I keep track of developments in specific technologies critical to my business?

Staying updated on developments in technologies critical to your business is key to maintaining competitive advantage. TT Consultants provides Technology Tracking services, continuously monitoring technological advancements using sophisticated data analytics tools.

We deliver periodic reports that detail progress in technologies of interest, including patent filings, academic research, and industry news, helping you make informed decisions on technology adoption and development. 

How can I evaluate my competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to better position my company?

Evaluating your competitors' strengths and weaknesses involves comprehensive analysis to understand their capabilities and strategic positions. TT Consultants offers Competitor Monitoring & Benchmarking services, using advanced analytics to gather data on your competitors’ patent activities, product strategies, and market performance.

This information allows you to benchmark your operations against industry leaders and identify strategic opportunities to differentiate your offerings or improve your market position. 

What can I do to identify untapped opportunities within my technological domain?

Identifying untapped opportunities requires a thorough analysis of your technological domain to find areas lacking in innovation. TT Consultants specializes in Whitespace & Technology Forecast Analysis, employing an AI & LLM based hybrid approach to predict future technology trends and identify gaps in the current market.

This forward-looking analysis provides a roadmap for where your business can lead innovation, guiding your strategic decisions towards areas with less competition and high potential for growth. 

How do I ensure that my technology development is not duplicating existing solutions?

Ensuring that your technology development is unique and not merely duplicative involves thorough research into existing technologies and patents. TT Consultants’ Patent Landscape Analysis service provides a comprehensive view of all relevant technologies in your field.

By identifying existing solutions and patents, you can direct your R&D efforts towards truly innovative or significantly improved solutions, ensuring efficient use of resources and enhancing your intellectual property portfolio. 

How can I anticipate technological shifts in my industry to maintain a competitive edge?

Anticipating technological shifts requires an analytical approach to understanding how innovations evolve within your industry. TT Consultants' Technology Forecast Analysis service uses predictive analytics and market trend data to forecast future technological developments.

This insight allows your business to prepare in advance for market changes, adapt strategies promptly, and innovate proactively, securing a competitive edge as your industry evolves. 

What methods can I use to find new technologies that could revolutionize my current products?

Finding new technologies that could revolutionize your products involves scouting beyond traditional boundaries and integrating insights from various fields. At TT Consultants, our Technology Scouting Services are designed to identify cutting-edge technologies and applications that can elevate your product offerings.

We analyze innovations from global sources and assess their applicability and potential impact on your products, ensuring you are first to market with transformative solutions. 

How can I monitor my industry for potential threats from new entrants or technologies?

Monitoring for potential threats from new entrants or disruptive technologies requires a vigilant approach to industry analysis. TT Consultants combines Competitor Monitoring with Technology Tracking to offer a comprehensive overview of both established and emerging players.

This dual focus ensures you are well-prepared for potential disruptions, enabling you to either adapt your strategies in response or seize first-mover advantages in adopting new technologies. 

How do I find gaps in the market that my company can exploit for technological advancement?

Finding gaps in the market that can be exploited for technological advancement involves a strategic analysis of current and projected market needs versus existing solutions. TT Consultants performs in-depth Whitespace Analysis to detect these gaps.

This service provides insights into areas with low innovation density and high market demand, offering you the opportunity to develop new products or technologies that address these unmet needs and position your company as an innovation leader. 

How can we leverage sustainability trends to innovate in our product line?

As sustainability becomes a key driver in consumer preferences, understanding how to innovate in line with sustainable advancements is vital. TT Consultants can assist in mapping the technology landscape based on sustainable trends, crafting sustainability roadmaps, and scenario planning to ensure your product innovations align with both current and emerging eco-conscious market demands.

Additionally, we can analyze policy drivers and regulations influencing sustainability to ensure your product development meets industry standards and consumer expectations. 

We need to understand the latest R&D trends to keep our innovation pipeline competitive. Can you assist?

Keeping your innovation pipeline competitive requires insights into the latest R&D trends within your industry.

TT Consultants offers services to track and analyze the R&D efforts of key players, providing you with a clear understanding of the innovation track and technological readiness levels (TRLs).

We can also help in identifying whitespace and scouting for new technologies to ensure your R&D efforts are leading-edge and your pipeline robust. 

How can we identify and assess emerging technologies to maintain our lead in the market?

Identifying and assessing emerging technologies are crucial for maintaining market leadership. TT Consultants can perform an in-depth technology assessment, including IP analysis and literature reviews, to ensure you are aware of and can capitalize on the latest technological innovations.

Our product and technology breakdown, coupled with benchmarking, gives you a strategic advantage in understanding and utilizing these technologies effectively.

In the face of aggressive competition, how can we strategically position our IP portfolio?

Strategically positioning your IP portfolio in the face of aggressive competition requires a detailed understanding of the IP landscape. TT Consultants can perform a thorough analysis of your competitor's IP and product portfolios, providing insights into their prosecution strategies and activities.

This competitive intelligence allows you to strategically position your IP portfolio to strengthen your market position and defend against competitive pressures. 

We want to forecast technology trends to guide our long-term strategic planning. Can you provide this foresight?

Forecasting technology trends is essential for long-term strategic planning. TT Consultants can aid in this by conducting a comprehensive Technology Forecast Analysis.

By evaluating major players and startups, technology timelines, and innovation tracks, we can provide you with the foresight needed to guide your strategic decisions. This ensures that your business is not only reacting to current trends but is also well-prepared for future market developments. 

How can we anticipate and prepare for regulatory changes in our industry to ensure continued compliance and market access?

Navigating regulatory changes requires a proactive and informed approach.

TT Consultants can conduct a detailed Geographical Trend and Regulatory Analysis, allowing your business to anticipate upcoming changes in policies and regulations. We assess the implications of these changes on your products and operations, providing you with a strategic advantage in compliance planning.

This foresight enables you to adjust your processes and product specifications ahead of time, ensuring uninterrupted market access and a continued competitive edge. 

How can we harness industry partnerships and investor networks to accelerate our technology commercialization efforts?

Leveraging industry partnerships and investor networks is key to successful technology commercialization. TT Consultants can facilitate the identification of potential partners, investors, or exhibitors who align with your business goals and technology offerings.

Our service includes analyzing funding trends and investment patterns, assisting you in crafting compelling pitches, and positioning your technology in a way that resonates with stakeholders. This approach not only accelerates the commercialization process but also enhances the potential for fruitful collaborations and increased investment opportunities. 

As we develop our go-to-market strategy, how can we ensure it's backed by robust market and competitive intelligence?

Developing a solid go-to-market strategy requires in-depth market understanding and competitive intelligence. TT Consultants provides Market and Competitive Intelligence services, which include a detailed assessment of market size, growth trajectories, demand dynamics, and competitive benchmarking.

We dive deep into the competitive landscape, analyzing market share, growth strategies, and positioning of key players to equip you with actionable insights. This intelligence informs your go-to-market strategy, ensuring it is well-founded and strategically sound. 

How can we effectively track and manage our technology development pipeline to stay ahead of market demands and technological shifts?

Effective management of your technology development pipeline is essential to keep pace with market demands and technological shifts. TT Consultants offers services to track your technology pipeline, assessing the opportunity and risk associated with each development stage.

We employ technology scouting and whitespace analysis to identify areas for innovation, ensuring your pipeline reflects emerging market needs and keeps you ahead of the curve. By continuously monitoring progress and adjusting priorities, we help maintain your technological leadership. 

Our organization is exploring sustainable innovation as a core strategy. How can we align our sustainability efforts with industry benchmarks and best practices?

Aligning with industry benchmarks and best practices is crucial when embracing sustainable innovation. TT Consultants specializes in conducting Technology Landscape Analysis based on sustainable advancements.

We provide you with sustainable roadmaps and scenario planning, helping you to envision and strategize sustainable practices that align with industry benchmarks. Moreover, we assess policy drivers and regulations influencing sustainability to ensure that your efforts are not only innovative but also regulatory compliant and socially responsible. This strategic alignment helps you to not only meet but exceed industry standards, positioning your organization as a leader in sustainable innovation. 

What is meant by intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) cover creations of the mind and are granted by respective governments to IP creators for new and original ideas. No one can use another's intellectual property without their permission. These privileges come with a certain level of monopoly and exclusivity.

Can I launch a product which is already in the market?

Yes, you can launch a product but before launching you need to Validate Your Product so that your product is safe and cannot infringe other inventions already in the market.

How can we protect our patent from others?

After filing a patent, practicing regularly helps you protect your patent against invalidating or infringing other citations.

What is a Patent? Types of patents?

"A patent is a right granted to an inventor by the federal government that permits the inventor to exclude others from making, selling, or using the invention for a period of time say 20 years.

Types - Utility Patent, Design Patent and Plant patent

Can software applications be patented?

Yes, in the United States, software-based inventions are still patentable. However, software patent applications must meet certain technical requirements and be drafted extremely carefully in order to be patent-eligible.

Can a business method be patented?

According to the Indian patent act section 3, which deals with inventions that are considered not patentable, any mathematical method or business method or a computer program or algorithms are not patentable.

What are the different types of searches in IP?

In our firm “TT Consultants” We offer different types of searches like:

  • Patentability Search
  • Validation/Invalidation Search
  • Infringement Search
  • FTO Search
  • Technology Scouting
  • Landscape and more.
What is Landscape Research?

A Patent Landscape research is a broad search for patents in a particular technological area. Essentially, this search is deeper than a State of Art Search after it has been completed. Looking at huge sets of patent data might help you get a better perspective of the larger picture and make more informed decisions.

What is technology Scouting?

Technology Scouting is a part of trend research which deals with the regular and systematic observation of technological developments and the early recognition of emerging technologies.

What is patent scoring and ranking? How is it helpful?

Evaluating (scoring or ranking) your patents can help you determine the actual value of your patent, and understand the upcoming future trends. On the basis of the score, patents can be practised on regular intervals to identify the market growth and its requirement.

Can I file a patent in multiple countries?

Yes, you can file a patent in multiple countries with multiple languages. A good option is to file an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), administered by WIPO.

What is PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty)?

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is   an international treaty that allows one to claim domestic priority in PCT member countries.  Through PCT one can file applications in countries of interest within 30 months of the priority date  . A patent search report is provided under the PCT system, and a preliminary evaluation of an application is performed on demand. This additional information allows the investment to be delayed for 30 months.

How much time does it take for granting a patent?

Around 3 to 5 years to grant a patent.

What is the life cycle of a patent?

The life of a patent is no longer than 20 years from the date of filing.

IP Services

What are the requirements for patentability?

Your patent application goes through the parameters like your invention must be -  

Novelty - It should not be available in any form before your patent filing date. Although, US patent law grants you a grace year before filing a patent application. 

Useful - The patent law requires your invention to be useful and industrially applicable. 

Non-obviousness Requirement - Your invention must be unique and should not be the modification of any object. It must not look similar to the prior arts. 

What steps should I take if I suspect that my invention might not be unique or might have been previously disclosed?

If you have concerns about the uniqueness of your invention or possible prior disclosures, conducting a Patentability Search with TT Consultants is a crucial step.

Our service comprehensively examines global databases for patents and non-patent literature to evaluate your invention’s novelty and non-obviousness. We leverage sophisticated AI technologies and the expertise of seasoned IP professionals to provide a detailed assessment, which includes potential similarities and existing intellectual property that might affect patentability. This allows you to refine your invention or assess whether to proceed with a patent application, thereby optimizing your resources and strategic planning. 

How can I effectively challenge a competitor’s patent that I believe should not have been granted because similar technologies already exist?

Challenging a competitor's patent requires robust evidence that the patent should not have been granted due to existing similar technologies, known as prior art. TT Consultants' Patent Invalidation Search is designed to identify such prior art that could potentially invalidate a patent.

Our hybrid methodology combines deep AI analysis with expert human review across comprehensive databases. We deliver detailed reports indicating vulnerabilities in the patent’s claims and provide strategic advice on how to leverage this information in legal challenges or negotiations, helping you clear competitive hurdles and maintain market integrity. 

What is the purpose of the patent infringement analysis?

Infringement search can be used in different types of analysis like

Claim Amendment during the prosecution phase 

Identification of illegal use of the patented invention 

Licensing Opportunities (Licensing-IN & Licensing-Out) 

Patent Monetization 

Patent Pruning 

What are the risks of entering a market without understanding the existing patent landscape, and how can these risks be mitigated?

Entering a market without an understanding of the existing patent landscape exposes a company to significant legal and financial risks, including potential lawsuits for patent infringement. Conducting a Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search with TT Consultants minimizes these risks by providing a comprehensive review of relevant patents in your target market.

Our detailed analysis includes legal status and scope of enforceable patents that could impact your product’s launch. This essential insight informs strategic decisions, such as tweaking product features or pursuing licensing agreements, ensuring your entry into the market is legally secure and commercially sound. 

Can you assist in protecting a unique design that I want to patent, and how does the process differentiate from utility patent searches?

Protecting a unique design through a patent involves conducting a Design Patent Search, which is distinct from utility patent searches that focus more on the functionality of an invention. TT Consultants specializes in design patent searches that explore visual characteristics and aesthetics recorded in design patent databases.

Our AI-enhanced search tools, supplemented by expert analysis, identify existing designs that could potentially conflict with yours. We provide a detailed report on the design landscape, offering strategic advice on design modifications or the likelihood of successful patent registration, ensuring your design remains both innovative and protected. 

How can I stay updated on the latest technological advances in my industry to guide my company's research and development strategy?

Keeping abreast of the latest technological advances is crucial for steering your company’s R&D strategy. TT Consultants' State-of-the-Art Search service tracks the forefront of technological developments relevant to your field.

Using AI-driven analytics and expert curation, we compile data from patents, scientific publications, and industry trends to provide a comprehensive view of current innovations and future directions. This detailed insight supports your strategic decision-making, helping you allocate R&D resources effectively, anticipate market trends, and maintain a competitive edge. 

What is the best approach to managing Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in my technology sector to avoid legal issues?

Managing Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) effectively is vital to comply with industry standards and avoid legal pitfalls. TT Consultants offers expert services in identifying and navigating SEPs within your technology sector.

Our approach integrates AI tools with in-depth analysis from our experienced team to identify relevant SEPs and evaluate their implications for your products and services. We provide strategic advice on handling licensing, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and avoiding infringements, thus supporting seamless operations and market positioning. 

How can your proprietary AI technology, XLSCOUT, enhance the efficiency and accuracy of intellectual property research and analysis?

XLSCOUT, TT Consultants’ proprietary AI technology, revolutionizes intellectual property research by enhancing both the efficiency and accuracy of our services. This platform applies advanced machine learning algorithms to automate and refine the search and analysis processes, drastically reducing the time needed for comprehensive IP investigations.

XLSCOUT’s capabilities allow us to quickly identify relevant prior art, assess patentability, and analyze patent landscapes, providing our clients with precise, actionable insights. This technology empowers our clients to make informed, strategic decisions quickly, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving intellectual property environment. 

How much does a basic Novelty/Patentability Search cost at TT Consultants?

At TT Consultants, a basic Novelty or Patentability Search typically ranges in cost from $300 to $2,000. This price variation depends on several factors, including the complexity of the technology involved, the breadth of the search required, and the specific requirements of the client.

A basic search generally includes a thorough investigation of existing patents and public disclosures (non-patent literature) to determine if an invention is novel and non-obvious. The goal is to provide clients with a clear understanding of the potential patentability of their invention, allowing them to make informed decisions about pursuing a patent. This service is vital for inventors and companies looking to protect new innovations while ensuring efficient use of their IP budget.

How much does a basic Invalidation Search cost at TT Consultants?

A basic Invalidation Search at TT Consultants can cost between $500 and $10,000. The cost is influenced by the complexity of the patent in question, the depth of research required to comprehensively challenge its validity, and the jurisdictions that need to be covered.

Invalidation searches are typically more detailed and require a broader scope of investigation compared to patentability searches, as they aim to uncover prior art that could potentially invalidate an existing patent. This type of search is crucial for companies facing potential infringement issues or those looking to contest the validity of a competitor's patent.

The high-end of the cost range reflects searches that require extensive examination of global databases and expert analysis, ensuring that clients receive robust support in their legal and strategic endeavors. 

I have disclosed my invention in a conference; can the corresponding publication stop me from getting a patent?

The prior art constitution varies among various jurisdictions. For example - the US patent law accepts ""your disclosure"" if it has been made within a year before the patent filing date. 

But European patent laws are somehow extreme on that as they don't allow such a grace period to the applicant. You should contact your country's copyright and patent authority. 

I have disclosed my invention in a conference; can the corresponding publication stop me from getting a patent? 

"The prior art constitution varies among various jurisdictions. For example - the US patent law accepts ""your disclosure"" if it has been made within a year before the patent filing date. 

But European patent laws are somehow extreme on that as they don't allow such a grace period to the applicant. You should contact your country's copyright and patent authority. 

Market Research

How can we leverage sustainability trends to innovate in our product line?

As sustainability becomes a key driver in consumer preferences, understanding how to innovate in line with sustainable advancements is vital. TT Consultants can assist in mapping the technology landscape based on sustainable trends, crafting sustainability roadmaps, and scenario planning to ensure your product innovations align with both current and emerging eco-conscious market demands.

Additionally, we can analyze policy drivers and regulations influencing sustainability to ensure your product development meets industry standards and consumer expectations. 

We need to understand the latest R&D trends to keep our innovation pipeline competitive. Can you assist?

Keeping your innovation pipeline competitive requires insights into the latest R&D trends within your industry.

TT Consultants offers services to track and analyze the R&D efforts of key players, providing you with a clear understanding of the innovation track and technological readiness levels (TRLs).

We can also help in identifying whitespace and scouting for new technologies to ensure your R&D efforts are leading-edge and your pipeline robust. 

How can we identify and assess emerging technologies to maintain our lead in the market?

Identifying and assessing emerging technologies are crucial for maintaining market leadership. TT Consultants can perform an in-depth technology assessment, including IP analysis and literature reviews, to ensure you are aware of and can capitalize on the latest technological innovations.

Our product and technology breakdown, coupled with benchmarking, gives you a strategic advantage in understanding and utilizing these technologies effectively.

In the face of aggressive competition, how can we strategically position our IP portfolio?

Strategically positioning your IP portfolio in the face of aggressive competition requires a detailed understanding of the IP landscape. TT Consultants can perform a thorough analysis of your competitor's IP and product portfolios, providing insights into their prosecution strategies and activities.

This competitive intelligence allows you to strategically position your IP portfolio to strengthen your market position and defend against competitive pressures. 

We want to forecast technology trends to guide our long-term strategic planning. Can you provide this foresight?

Forecasting technology trends is essential for long-term strategic planning. TT Consultants can aid in this by conducting a comprehensive Technology Forecast Analysis.

By evaluating major players and startups, technology timelines, and innovation tracks, we can provide you with the foresight needed to guide your strategic decisions. This ensures that your business is not only reacting to current trends but is also well-prepared for future market developments. 

How can we anticipate and prepare for regulatory changes in our industry to ensure continued compliance and market access?

Navigating regulatory changes requires a proactive and informed approach.

TT Consultants can conduct a detailed Geographical Trend and Regulatory Analysis, allowing your business to anticipate upcoming changes in policies and regulations. We assess the implications of these changes on your products and operations, providing you with a strategic advantage in compliance planning.

This foresight enables you to adjust your processes and product specifications ahead of time, ensuring uninterrupted market access and a continued competitive edge. 

How can we harness industry partnerships and investor networks to accelerate our technology commercialization efforts?

Leveraging industry partnerships and investor networks is key to successful technology commercialization. TT Consultants can facilitate the identification of potential partners, investors, or exhibitors who align with your business goals and technology offerings.

Our service includes analyzing funding trends and investment patterns, assisting you in crafting compelling pitches, and positioning your technology in a way that resonates with stakeholders. This approach not only accelerates the commercialization process but also enhances the potential for fruitful collaborations and increased investment opportunities. 

As we develop our go-to-market strategy, how can we ensure it's backed by robust market and competitive intelligence?

Developing a solid go-to-market strategy requires in-depth market understanding and competitive intelligence. TT Consultants provides Market and Competitive Intelligence services, which include a detailed assessment of market size, growth trajectories, demand dynamics, and competitive benchmarking.

We dive deep into the competitive landscape, analyzing market share, growth strategies, and positioning of key players to equip you with actionable insights. This intelligence informs your go-to-market strategy, ensuring it is well-founded and strategically sound. 

How can we effectively track and manage our technology development pipeline to stay ahead of market demands and technological shifts?

Effective management of your technology development pipeline is essential to keep pace with market demands and technological shifts. TT Consultants offers services to track your technology pipeline, assessing the opportunity and risk associated with each development stage.

We employ technology scouting and whitespace analysis to identify areas for innovation, ensuring your pipeline reflects emerging market needs and keeps you ahead of the curve. By continuously monitoring progress and adjusting priorities, we help maintain your technological leadership. 

Our organization is exploring sustainable innovation as a core strategy. How can we align our sustainability efforts with industry benchmarks and best practices?

Aligning with industry benchmarks and best practices is crucial when embracing sustainable innovation. TT Consultants specializes in conducting Technology Landscape Analysis based on sustainable advancements.

We provide you with sustainable roadmaps and scenario planning, helping you to envision and strategize sustainable practices that align with industry benchmarks. Moreover, we assess policy drivers and regulations influencing sustainability to ensure that your efforts are not only innovative but also regulatory compliant and socially responsible. This strategic alignment helps you to not only meet but exceed industry standards, positioning your organization as a leader in sustainable innovation. 

Patent Portfolio Analysis

How can I ensure that my company's patent portfolio is aligned with our business strategy?

Ensuring your patent portfolio aligns with your business strategy is crucial for leveraging intellectual property effectively to support your company’s objectives. TT Consultants provides detailed Patent Portfolio Management services where we analyze your current patent holdings against your business goals to ensure coherence.  

This includes evaluating the technological and commercial relevance of each patent, identifying gaps in your portfolio that may require new patents, and suggesting the discontinuation of patents that no longer serve your strategic interests. Through this service, we help you streamline your portfolio to better support your business's growth and competitive position. 

  • Our Approach: 
    • Strategic alignment assessments 
    • Gap analysis in IP coverage 
    • Recommendations for patent acquisitions or divestitures 
What should I consider during due diligence for a merger or acquisition involving significant intellectual property assets?

In mergers or acquisitions, the intellectual property due diligence process is pivotal. It not only assesses the value and strength of IP assets but also identifies any legal risks that could impact the transaction.

TT Consultants conducts thorough M&A – Patent Due Diligence, examining each patent's validity, enforceability, and alignment with the business's strategic goals.

We also look at potential infringement issues and the freedom to operate, ensuring that the IP portfolio enhances the value of the deal rather than posing a liability. Our comprehensive reports support informed decision-making during acquisitions. 

  • Solutions Provided: 
    • IP valuation and risk assessment 
    • Legal compliance and infringement analysis 
    • Strategic IP integration planning
How do I determine which patents in my portfolio hold the most value?

Determining the value of patents within your portfolio involves a systematic evaluation based on legal, technical, and commercial criteria. TT Consultants offers Patent Ranking Services that assess the impact, market potential, and technological significance of each patent.

We use a variety of metrics, including citation analysis, market analysis, and potential for future innovation, to rank patents and identify which ones offer the highest potential for monetization or strategic advantage. This information is vital for prioritizing IP management efforts and resources. 

What strategies can I employ to monitor new patents that may affect my company’s market position?

Monitoring new patents is essential to maintaining a competitive edge.

TT Consultants’ Patent Monitoring Services provide continuous surveillance of newly issued patents and published applications in your industry. We deliver tailored reports that identify potential threats or opportunities from these new patents, allowing your business to respond proactively—whether through adjusting your R&D direction, considering licensing options, or preparing for potential disputes. 

  • Our Approach: 
    • Regular updates on relevant new patents 
    • Competitive analysis and strategic insights 
    • Risk management and opportunity identification 
How can I commercialize my patent portfolio to generate additional revenue streams?

Commercializing your patent portfolio involves identifying and exploiting opportunities to monetize your IP through licensing, sale, or partnerships. TT Consultants specializes in Patent Portfolio Commercialization, evaluating each patent for its market potential and matching it with potential buyers or licensees.

This strategic approach not only enhances your portfolio’s value but also contributes to your company's broader financial goals.

I’m worried about potential patent expirations. How can I manage this within my portfolio?

Managing patent expirations strategically is crucial to maintaining the integrity and value of your patent portfolio.

TT Consultants helps you identify which patents are nearing expiration and evaluates their continuing value to your business. For patents that still hold significant commercial or strategic value, we can assist in filing for patent extensions where applicable or suggest alternative strategies such as developing and patenting new improvements or derivatives. For those patents less critical, we might recommend letting them expire to free up resources for more valuable IP investments.

This proactive management approach ensures that your portfolio remains robust and aligned with your business objectives. 

How do I handle a large portfolio with patents in various technology fields?

Handling a large, diverse patent portfolio requires an organized approach to manage assets across different technology fields effectively.

TT Consultants provides comprehensive services that include segmentation of your portfolio by technology sector, assessment of the commercial and strategic relevance of patents within each segment, and customized management strategies tailored to the specifics of each sector. Our holistic approach ensures that each segment of your portfolio is optimized for competitive advantage and aligned with sector-specific trends and opportunities. 

What are the best practices for reducing costs associated with maintaining a patent portfolio?

Optimizing the cost-effectiveness of maintaining a patent portfolio involves critical evaluation and strategic pruning of less impactful patents. TT Consultants helps you analyze each patent for its cost versus benefit, considering factors like maintenance fees, legal defenses, and market relevance.

We recommend discontinuing patents that no longer provide strategic value or have high upkeep costs relative to their benefit. Additionally, we can suggest ways to monetize underperforming patents through licensing or sale, thus transforming potential financial drains into revenue sources. Our strategic cost management helps ensure that your portfolio remains lean and potent. 

How can I use my patents to strengthen my position against competitors?

Strategically leveraging patents to strengthen your market position involves enforcing your IP rights to block competitors and exploring opportunities for cross-licensing. TT Consultants provides guidance on using your patent portfolio aggressively by identifying key patents that can serve as barriers to entry for competitors in your core markets.

We also facilitate the negotiation of cross-licensing agreements where beneficial, allowing you to leverage your IP assets while mitigating the risk of litigation and fostering industry relationships. 

What should I do if I find that parts of my patent portfolio are underperforming?

Addressing underperformance within your patent portfolio is essential for maintaining its overall health and effectiveness. TT Consultants conducts a thorough analysis to identify underperforming patents and provides strategic recommendations based on their current and potential value.

We might suggest repositioning these patents through additional R&D, pursuing new markets, or enhancing patent claims to improve their commercial viability. Alternatively, if certain patents no longer align with your strategic goals, we can manage their divestiture or recommend letting them lapse to reallocate resources more effectively. 

Drafting & Prosecution Support

What can I do to ensure that my patent application will be accepted?

Ensuring your patent application meets the high standards required for acceptance involves meticulous preparation and strategic drafting. TT Consultants offers comprehensive Drafting & Prosecution Support to help you navigate this process.

Our team assists in crafting a clear, detailed, and broad-enough patent application that addresses all statutory requirements for patentability while adequately protecting your invention. We focus on the claims' clarity and the specification's thoroughness, factors crucial for a successful review by patent examiners. 

How can high-quality illustrations enhance my patent application's chances of success?

High-quality illustrations are crucial for enhancing the comprehensibility of your patent application. TT Consultants provides Patent Drafting & Illustrations services, where professional drawings are generated partly through our generative AI & LLMs-driven tools, ensuring precise and clear depiction of your invention's technical details.

These illustrations help convey the uniqueness and functionality of your invention to patent examiners, reducing ambiguities and potentially expediting the examination process. 

I’ve received an office action from the patent office. How should I respond to ensure my application progresses?

Receiving an office action can be a critical point in the patent application process. TT Consultants specializes in Patent Prosecution and Office Action Responses, providing expert assistance to address and overcome the examiner's concerns.

Our approach involves a thorough analysis of the office action, strategic amendments to claims if necessary, and a persuasive argumentation in response that aligns with patent law and precedents. This tailored response enhances the likelihood of advancing your application towards grant. 

How can I protect the technical details of my invention effectively in the patent application?

Protecting the technical details of your invention effectively requires a comprehensive and strategic approach to patent drafting. With TT Consultants’ Patent Drafting & Illustrations service, we ensure that every aspect of your invention is documented in a detailed and legally sound manner.

Our experienced patent drafters work closely with your technical team to encapsulate all critical features and potential variations of your invention, safeguarding its novelty and broadening the scope of protection. 

What strategies can I use to handle rejections or objections during the patent prosecution phase?

Handling rejections or objections during the patent prosecution phase requires a strategic and informed approach. TT Consultants’ Patent Prosecution and Office Action Response service provides expert guidance on how to address rejections effectively.

We analyze the basis of the examiner’s objections, develop arguments or amendments that adhere to patent law, and prepare supplementary documentation that can clarify ambiguities and reinforce the application's strengths. Our proactive management of the prosecution process aims to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. 

How can I ensure my patent application aligns with global patent standards if I intend to file in multiple countries?

Ensuring that your patent application aligns with global standards is essential when planning to file in multiple jurisdictions. TT Consultants' Drafting & Prosecution Support includes preparing your patent application to meet various international patent laws and requirements.

Our team has extensive experience with the nuances of different patent systems and can adapt your application to ensure compliance and enhance its viability across multiple countries. This global approach helps streamline international filings and protects your invention on a wider scale. 

Technology Intelligence

How can I understand the current state of technology in my industry to plan my R&D investments effectively?

To strategically plan your R&D investments, a deep understanding of the current technological landscape in your industry is essential. TT Consultants offers comprehensive Patent Landscape Analysis using an AI & LLM based hybrid approach.

This method combines advanced data analytics with expert insights to deliver a detailed mapping of existing patents, trends, and key players. By identifying mature areas and emerging technologies, we provide you with actionable intelligence to focus your investments where they can generate the most impact and ensure you remain at the forefront of innovation. 

What strategies can I employ to discover emerging technologies that could impact my business?

Identifying emerging technologies early can significantly impact your business's competitive positioning and strategic development. TT Consultants' Technology Scouting Services utilize an AI & LLM based hybrid approach to systematically search and evaluate new technologies across global markets.

This service helps you discover innovations that may disrupt your industry or provide new opportunities for growth, enabling you to proactively adapt or integrate these technologies into your business model. 

How can I keep track of developments in specific technologies critical to my business?

Staying updated on developments in technologies critical to your business is key to maintaining competitive advantage. TT Consultants provides Technology Tracking services, continuously monitoring technological advancements using sophisticated data analytics tools.

We deliver periodic reports that detail progress in technologies of interest, including patent filings, academic research, and industry news, helping you make informed decisions on technology adoption and development. 

How can I evaluate my competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to better position my company?

Evaluating your competitors' strengths and weaknesses involves comprehensive analysis to understand their capabilities and strategic positions. TT Consultants offers Competitor Monitoring & Benchmarking services, using advanced analytics to gather data on your competitors’ patent activities, product strategies, and market performance.

This information allows you to benchmark your operations against industry leaders and identify strategic opportunities to differentiate your offerings or improve your market position. 

What can I do to identify untapped opportunities within my technological domain?

Identifying untapped opportunities requires a thorough analysis of your technological domain to find areas lacking in innovation. TT Consultants specializes in Whitespace & Technology Forecast Analysis, employing an AI & LLM based hybrid approach to predict future technology trends and identify gaps in the current market.

This forward-looking analysis provides a roadmap for where your business can lead innovation, guiding your strategic decisions towards areas with less competition and high potential for growth. 

How do I ensure that my technology development is not duplicating existing solutions?

Ensuring that your technology development is unique and not merely duplicative involves thorough research into existing technologies and patents. TT Consultants’ Patent Landscape Analysis service provides a comprehensive view of all relevant technologies in your field.

By identifying existing solutions and patents, you can direct your R&D efforts towards truly innovative or significantly improved solutions, ensuring efficient use of resources and enhancing your intellectual property portfolio. 

How can I anticipate technological shifts in my industry to maintain a competitive edge?

Anticipating technological shifts requires an analytical approach to understanding how innovations evolve within your industry. TT Consultants' Technology Forecast Analysis service uses predictive analytics and market trend data to forecast future technological developments.

This insight allows your business to prepare in advance for market changes, adapt strategies promptly, and innovate proactively, securing a competitive edge as your industry evolves. 

What methods can I use to find new technologies that could revolutionize my current products?

Finding new technologies that could revolutionize your products involves scouting beyond traditional boundaries and integrating insights from various fields. At TT Consultants, our Technology Scouting Services are designed to identify cutting-edge technologies and applications that can elevate your product offerings.

We analyze innovations from global sources and assess their applicability and potential impact on your products, ensuring you are first to market with transformative solutions. 

How can I monitor my industry for potential threats from new entrants or technologies?

Monitoring for potential threats from new entrants or disruptive technologies requires a vigilant approach to industry analysis. TT Consultants combines Competitor Monitoring with Technology Tracking to offer a comprehensive overview of both established and emerging players.

This dual focus ensures you are well-prepared for potential disruptions, enabling you to either adapt your strategies in response or seize first-mover advantages in adopting new technologies. 

How do I find gaps in the market that my company can exploit for technological advancement?

Finding gaps in the market that can be exploited for technological advancement involves a strategic analysis of current and projected market needs versus existing solutions. TT Consultants performs in-depth Whitespace Analysis to detect these gaps.

This service provides insights into areas with low innovation density and high market demand, offering you the opportunity to develop new products or technologies that address these unmet needs and position your company as an innovation leader. 


What is meant by intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) cover creations of the mind and are granted by respective governments to IP creators for new and original ideas. No one can use another's intellectual property without their permission. These privileges come with a certain level of monopoly and exclusivity.

Can I launch a product which is already in the market?

Yes, you can launch a product but before launching you need to Validate Your Product so that your product is safe and cannot infringe other inventions already in the market.

How can we protect our patent from others?

After filing a patent, practicing regularly helps you protect your patent against invalidating or infringing other citations.

What is a Patent? Types of patents?

"A patent is a right granted to an inventor by the federal government that permits the inventor to exclude others from making, selling, or using the invention for a period of time say 20 years.

Types - Utility Patent, Design Patent and Plant patent

Can software applications be patented?

Yes, in the United States, software-based inventions are still patentable. However, software patent applications must meet certain technical requirements and be drafted extremely carefully in order to be patent-eligible.

Can a business method be patented?

According to the Indian patent act section 3, which deals with inventions that are considered not patentable, any mathematical method or business method or a computer program or algorithms are not patentable.

What are the different types of searches in IP?

In our firm “TT Consultants” We offer different types of searches like:

  • Patentability Search
  • Validation/Invalidation Search
  • Infringement Search
  • FTO Search
  • Technology Scouting
  • Landscape and more.
What is Landscape Research?

A Patent Landscape research is a broad search for patents in a particular technological area. Essentially, this search is deeper than a State of Art Search after it has been completed. Looking at huge sets of patent data might help you get a better perspective of the larger picture and make more informed decisions.

What is technology Scouting?

Technology Scouting is a part of trend research which deals with the regular and systematic observation of technological developments and the early recognition of emerging technologies.

What is patent scoring and ranking? How is it helpful?

Evaluating (scoring or ranking) your patents can help you determine the actual value of your patent, and understand the upcoming future trends. On the basis of the score, patents can be practised on regular intervals to identify the market growth and its requirement.

Can I file a patent in multiple countries?

Yes, you can file a patent in multiple countries with multiple languages. A good option is to file an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), administered by WIPO.

What is PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty)?

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is   an international treaty that allows one to claim domestic priority in PCT member countries.  Through PCT one can file applications in countries of interest within 30 months of the priority date  . A patent search report is provided under the PCT system, and a preliminary evaluation of an application is performed on demand. This additional information allows the investment to be delayed for 30 months.

How much time does it take for granting a patent?

Around 3 to 5 years to grant a patent.

What is the life cycle of a patent?

The life of a patent is no longer than 20 years from the date of filing.


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