Inventing New Year Celebrations

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A new year is just in the footsteps and we would like to share a few interesting inventions through which you can redefine the way of celebrations.

1. Good fortune is now patented!

Finger ring (good fortune for the new year)

Finger Ring- TT Consultants

Finger Ring 2- TT Consultants

Registration number-303247148

2. Make your own greeting cards!

This invention gives the user easy access to various designs, personalized pictures, and formats for the greeting card. It helps you to bring style to your greeting in a very easy and quick way.

new year greetings 3new year greetings 1 new year greetings 2

Patent JP3187332U assigned to MY PRINTS on November 21, 2013.

3. Celebrate, but care for the environment too !
New year decoration 1 New year decoration 2

Patent JP3148880U was granted to CO SAMPRAS on March 05, 2009.

For environment-conscious people, please buy recycled New Year’s Day decorative articles.

4. Add disco lights to your new year celebration!

If you want to decorate your guest room/ living room with an electronic item that is trendy and greets the guests with new year’s wishes, here is a New Year’s celebration device with an illuminated ball having disco lights on it.

New year's ball drop-TT Consultants c

Source : US20050138851

5. Make sure you remember your resolutions this year!

New years card combined with pocketbook

Everyone makes new year’s resolutions. This invention shows a pocketbook that is combined with a new year card and helps the user to save his memories, resolutions, and goals. It’s a perfect gift for a friend/kids etc.

New years card combined with pocketbook- TT Consultants New years card combined with pocketbook 1 - TT Consultants

Source: KR200221188U

TT Consultants wishes you a Happy New Year:

Happy New Year!!!

365 New days,

365 New chances,


Chetan Sharma, Astha Singhal

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