M&A – Patent Due Diligence

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With the rise in technology, intangible assets have become the most important assets for any company, thereby making intellectual property a critical factor in any investment. 

TT Consultants have divided the major goals of IP M&A patent due diligence services into three components for focused analysis: 

  • Prioritization of the objectives 
  • Substantive investigation 
  • Analysis of the results 

Major aspects of M&A due diligence process that must be duly performed while entering an M&A deal. Evaluating the process used by an interested buyer to better understand the selling business and the risks in potentially becoming an owner of that business. 

Transferring Technology 
TTC focuses on Data Protection, Privacy Laws, and IP protection while evaluating M&A propositions that help in strengthening your company’s position in the market. 

Valuation of Intellectual Property 
IP valuation allows the parties to make an informed decision on the cost of capital of the target company in a financial leverage strategy to be adopted for the transaction. 

TT Consultants’ team of experts explores the landscape through Freedom-to-Operate (FTO) considerations, scope-of-protection, validity and enforceability concerns, and ownership issues. 

Examining these components helps educate in-house corporate counsel and managers on the big-picture perspective needed for going beyond the issue-spotting of the M&A due-diligence checklist, to derive maximum value from the IP underlying any technology-driven corporate transaction while concurrently satisfying the business goals of the deal. 

M&A – Due Diligence


We have always recognized the value of the latest technology applied by our highly experienced executive team with backgrounds as varied as our experts.

  • First pass analysis using Explainable AI based Patdigger.

  • Manual Optimization with an ad-on tool pruning process for better understanding.

  • Evaluating patents in Different patents databases - Questel Orbit, Thomson Innovation, Espacenet, USPTO, PAJ, KIPRIS, IPO, IP.Com, Google Patents.

Our Capabilities

Hybrid Approach - Explainable AI - XLSCOUT.

60+ Technology and Industry expertise.

Experience Market Research Team.

Database coverage of 100+ countries.

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