TTC Co-founder, Mr. Jitin Talwar speaks at the “Start up Summit – FRO Chandigarh 2015”

Home / Blog / Corporate / TTC Co-founder, Mr. Jitin Talwar speaks at the “Start up Summit – FRO Chandigarh 2015”

TTC Co-founder and a noted Patent Attorney, Mr. Jitin Talwar, recently spoke at the Startup      Summit – FRO Chandigarh 2015 at Hotel Taj.

His session on “LEGAL AND TAX: DEMYSTIFIED“ was a presentation, followed by Q&A with delegates. Some key highlights of discussion were:

  • Small businesses are the most likely to suffer from legal issues.
  • Managing legal agreements for small-medium enterprises. Basics of contracts as well as protection of intellectual property for SME business
  • Tax Anatomy simplified for SME

All embraced together, the summit focused on identifying changes and fulfilling requirements for the MSME industry and the students alike. The content has been defined to give special attention to the necessary innovative approaches that need to be developed in start-up businesses to adapt to changing times. Mr. Talwar, being an entrepreneur himself, was more than happy to share insights on running a startup business. His company, XLPAT Labs, is an online platform that provides integrated IP solutions like patent invalidation searches, patent landscape analysis, a global patent search, and more.



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TT Consultants is a leading partner in intellectual property (IP) management. Our worldwide service range comprises both legal and portfolio services, as well as strategic IP consulting and cutting-edge software solutions for effective IP management.
The TT Consultants offers a range of efficient, high quality solutions for your intellectual property management ranging from Patentability Search, Invalidation Search, FTO (Freedom to Operate), Patent Portfolio Management, Patent Monetization, Evidence of Use, Claim Chart Mapping, and much more. We provide both law firms and corporations in many industries with turnkey solutions.
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