Standards As A Prior Art

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A Client Asked For Prior Arts To Invalidate A Patent In The Core Wireless Technology Domain In A Short Span Of Time

Value Delivered – The client used the analysis report prepared standards as prior art using as proof in invalidating a patent and hoped for even more similar results from us going further. 

Problem to be solved – The client was in urgent need of evidence to invalidate a patent in the core wireless technology domain. The various constraints for the analysis were-  

  • Strictly time bound and  
  • Massive amounts of standard documents are to be analyzed in the wireless technology domain from various standard bodies such as IEEE, ETSI, 3GPP, etc.  

Solutions offered – Considering that a standard-related document as a prior art can give a huge advantage, we at TT Consultant touch every possible way to identify what standards are covered by the patents we are invalidating, or which standards have specifications similar to the given invention disclosure.  

We focused our search on the In-house Prepared Indexed Standard Knowledge Database, which has a very user-friendly interface and helps us to proceed with a highly effective search in less time and provides all types of standard documents. We narrowed down the search to companies actively working on the similar domain as the subject patent and identified a pattern where many citations were from two companies only.  

The next task was to identify the subsidiaries of the identified companies and then use the compiled information in our in-house standard search database. We hit a bull’s eye and identified a draft from one of the subsidiaries which disclosed the idea of the patent we were invalidating. We then shared that technical draft with the client. 

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