Connected Car Technology-Report

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History of Connected Cars
General Motors was working with Motorola Automotive when they introduced OnStar in 1996 and was the first automaker. During those days, cellular voice calling was unreliable and General Motors wanted to create a safety product. The telematics system first enabled voice calls to a call center that contacted emergency responders in the case of accidents.

General Motors was the first maker in the USA to launch payments from the dashboard through Marketplace for snacks, coffee, and other fast food chains. The drivers could pay through the touchscreen in their vehicle without swiping a credit card or using a mobile device.

Connected Car Functions Features
Typically, a connected car has a head-unit, infotainment unit, an in-dash system with a screen from which the operations of the connections can be seen or managed by the driver. Types of systems that can be connected are:

  • Infotainment
  • Safety
  • And more

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