Making sense to touch over mobile screen – Fingerprint sensors beneath display – Report

Home / Reports / Semiconductor and Electronics / Making sense to touch over mobile screen – Fingerprint sensors beneath display – Report

The conventional fingerprint readers occupy a discrete area on the devices, which leads to their incompatibility with the hardware of the devices. . To mount a fingerprint reader, silicon circuit is a must have. Integrating these circuits, whether capacitive, resistive, thermal, or optical, into a display would require significant and costly modifications to the design and production processes Some mobile companies have integrated them into either the home button on the front, as in Apple 6 & 7 and Samsung S6 & S7 do, or on the rear side of mobile as by Xiomi Note 3 & Note 4.

Imagine an iPhone without its one and only button – the home button, and its display screen working as a fingerprint reader. Don’t we want to own such a phone? We really do. But, the sad part is we don’t have any phone in the market having a fingerprint sensor embedded on its screen currently. The good part is such phones are about to debut the market by the end of this year or in 2018.

How are the mobile rivals adopting divergent thinking?
With every phone launch, a new feature also gets launched. To always come up with new ideas, mobile companies adopt divergent thinking as divergent thinking gives birth to creative ideas. Some mobile companies have already incorporated fingerprint readers in their sets either on the home button or on the back side. To grab the eyeballs every time, they add new features in their phones having a large coverage of software applications and a variety of hardware and most importantly, the features enhancing their look and feel.

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