Alternative Fuels – EV Charging Stations

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An electric vehicle charging station is a device that is used to recharge the batteries/cells of an electric vehicle (EV). The charging stations use a source of electricity to recharge electric cars, and plug-in hybrids. The charging stations can be installed in public places as well as private places by governmental agencies or private companies.

Technical Insights 
  • The charging stations use various smart features like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Platform, Charging Instruction, Internet of Things (IOT), Smart Charging, Smartphone Applications and Vehicle Identification to achieve proper charging of the batteries of the Electric Vehicles.
  • Charging of the batteries is dominantly achieved using wired connection with the charging stations wherein, the charging stations gets power input dominantly from batteries and Electricity Power Grids.
Charger Type & Charging Parameters
Need for EV Charging Stations
Top Priority Countries
  • China, United states of America, and Europe are the top filing regions in the domain.
  • 48% of worldwide filings in these results are granted, which indicates protection for active (Alive) patents in the relevant markets.
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